Be Better At Parenting


Good parenting is one of the daily struggles of being a parent. Often times we see parents having to deal with their children's tantrums in public or even trying to discipline them into becoming good kids. Parenting is not an easy thing to do. It takes years to teach a child to become a good member of society and within those years, parents are a crucial aspect into making that happen. Good parenting takes time and most parents are impatient when it comes to disciplining their child. However, there is a thing called positive parenting that great affects both the parents and the child in a great way that it enhances their bond as a family.

Always remember that discipline and punishment are not the same. Discipline is used to teach and guide children to have proper behavior whereas punishment is used for controlling and retribution. Most parents mix the two up. Punishment mostly interferes with the child's development when it comes to control since punishment allows children to be put under the control of the parents whereas discipline allows children to have a few options as to how the parents should be disciplining them. Discipline allows a child to think that a particular misbehavior has violated the social norm hence it promotes development while punishment makes them think that they are not good enough for society.

Bedtime can also be a very difficult task in parenting. More often than not, parents have a hard time putting their child to bed simply because the child does not want to go to bed yet. However, as a parent, you should always reinforce the proper sleeping habit for your child to grow while maintaining order within the family. Respect your own needs. Take care of yourself the entire day so that by the time you need your child to go to bed. Check out a video about parenting here at

It is much better that both parents should be present during the bedtime ritual as it enforces both parents to participate in good parenting and takes the burden of the single parent. It also helps that both parents are stern when it comes to putting the child to bed. Parents should also try to respect his sense of time by telling him that bedtime is within a few minutes so that he can prepare and complete any activity that he has been doing before the bedtime hour arrives.

These are just a few of the parenting tips that will help you raise a good child.